Equality — the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities

Equity — the quality of being fair and impartial

Equality might look simple. But achieving it requires a willingness to recognize, creating an equal space for everyone, and the ability to judge what is right. Not everyone needs the same amount of help. Some need more, some need less.

Without equity, we cannot achieve equality.

Why do we need to have equity in the first place?

The philosopher Ronald Dworkin divide equality into two theories.

Equality Of Welfare.

Equality Of Resources.

The first method takes environmental factors into account where the second doesn’t.

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Let’s say you have two kids. One is working in a big tech firm as a software engineer and she is planning to start her startup soon. Another one is working as a cashier in a supermarket and she is planning to start her supermarket soon. If you divide your resources evenly, It means you are following equality of resources. What is the downside of this? You are willingly ignoring the facts about the children. Using equality of welfare, You are dividing your resources unevenly.

Most governments in the world are following the equality of welfare. They try to recognize the difference between the parties involved. It can be race, gender, sexual orientation, or income. In short, The government recognizes factors that are not in their control.

Take me as an example, If I was born in a country or time where children slavery is legal, I would have never had access to the resources which I have now.

It is not because of people’s inability they are not able to get success. It is because they are helpless.

Successful people are not successful because of their ability. Few who rebelled against this unreasonable world and tasted success. But, Most were able to taste success with the help of things that they don’t have control of. ex: the country where they were born, their parents and their wealth, their parent’s network, the color of their skin, religion of their parents.

Why do we need to work towards creating an equal space for everyone?

As “Bertrand Russell” said in “In Praise of Idleness

Leisure is essential to civilization.

In the past, there was a small leisure class and a larger working class. It contributed nearly the whole of what we call civilization.

Equality of welfare is essential. We cannot let people in the working-class for long. We need to move them to the leisure class. Inclusive growth of all will lead humans to higher places. When we create more people with more leisure time, our civilization will improve further by more invention.

How the government can make equal space for everyone.

Hey man, our ancestors were not kind to you. They denied many rights to you because of your color, race, caste, or sexual orientation. I want to undo that. I want to give all the rights back to you. Take it, man.

If you cannot make it through this competitive world. Don’t worry. We will ensure that you get all your basic needs at least.

If your income is not sufficient for you to meet all your basic needs and your children’s studies. Don’t worry, We will try our best to take care of your children’s studies.

Looks like you are not earning much. We will remove or reduce tax on your income.

Don’t worry because of your disability. We will reserve some of our jobs for you. We will create a law to ensure that everyone treats you equally in society.

Equality might look simple. But achieving it requires a willingness to recognize, creating an equal space for everyone, and the ability to judge what is right.